445 research outputs found


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    This paper develops a model of optimal allocation of GM and non-GM crops under contamination risk. The model is used to compare the producer optimal crop allocation at equilibrium to the social efficient crop allocation. From the socially optimum conditions, the paper identifies production environments under which GM crops are more likely to be overplanted.Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Evaluation of the Financial Impact of Flood Management on Residential Losses

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has had on the costs of flooding and on their distribution among payers. This study thus probes the NFIP's financial impact, the centerpiece question about program effectiveness. For the analysis, this paper models the institutional and economic framework of flood relief compensation into the HAZUS-flood model, and calculates the NFIP impact on the distribution of payers for flood losses in special flood hazard areas.Risk and Uncertainty,


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    This article estimates factors that impact location decisions by new ethanol plants using logistic regression analysis and spatial correlation techniques. The results indicate that location decisions are impacted by the agricultural characteristics of a county, competition, and state-level subsidies. Spatial competition is particularly important. Existence of a competing ethanol plant reduces the likelihood of making a positive location decision and this impact decreases with distance. State-level subsidies are significant and a very important factor impacting ethanol location decisions.ethanol, location decisions, spatial correlation, Agribusiness,

    Dyck path triangulations and extendability

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    We introduce the Dyck path triangulation of the cartesian product of two simplices Δn1×Δn1\Delta_{n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. The maximal simplices of this triangulation are given by Dyck paths, and its construction naturally generalizes to produce triangulations of Δr n1×Δn1\Delta_{r\ n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1} using rational Dyck paths. Our study of the Dyck path triangulation is motivated by extendability problems of partial triangulations of products of two simplices. We show that whenever mk>nm\geq k>n, any triangulation of Δm1(k1)×Δn1\Delta_{m-1}^{(k-1)}\times\Delta_{n-1} extends to a unique triangulation of Δm1×Δn1\Delta_{m-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. Moreover, with an explicit construction, we prove that the bound k>nk>n is optimal. We also exhibit interesting interpretations of our results in the language of tropical oriented matroids, which are analogous to classical results in oriented matroid theory.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Comments very welcome


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    This paper extends the definition of economies of scope to multioutput firms that face an uncertain production environment. Identification of economies of scope in this environment, however, requires separability assumptions on the technology. These identification restrictions are demonstrated in the paper, and for each identification restriction the definition of economies of scope is generalized to the case of uncertain production and risk aversion.Production Risk, Multioutput, Production, Identification, Risk and Uncertainty,

    On power ideals of transversal matroids and their "parking functions"

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    To a vector configuration one can associate a polynomial ideal generated by powers of linear forms, known as a power ideal, which exhibits many combinatorial features of the matroid underlying the configuration. In this note we observe that certain power ideals associated to transversal matroids are, somewhat unexpectedly, monomial. Moreover, the (monomial) basis elements of the quotient ring defined by such a power ideal can be naturally identified with the lattice points of a remarkable convex polytope: a polymatroid, also known as generalized permutohedron. We dub the exponent vectors of these monomial basis elements "parking functions" of the corresponding transversal matroid. We highlight the connection between our investigation and Stanley-Reisner theory, and relate our findings to Stanley's conjectured necessary condition on matroid hh-vectors.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 ancillary file with a 3d model, comments welcom

    Dyck path triangulations and extendability (extended abstract)

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    International audienceWe introduce the Dyck path triangulation of the cartesian product of two simplices Δn1×Δn1\Delta_{n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. The maximal simplices of this triangulation are given by Dyck paths, and its construction naturally generalizes to produce triangulations of Δr n1×Δn1\Delta_{r\ n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1} using rational Dyck paths. Our study of the Dyck path triangulation is motivated by extendability problems of partial triangulations of products of two simplices. We show that whenevermk>nm\geq k>n, any triangulations of Δm1(k1)×Δn1\Delta_{m-1}^{(k-1)}\times\Delta_{n-1} extends to a unique triangulation of Δm1×Δn1\Delta_{m-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. Moreover, with an explicit construction, we prove that the bound k>nk>n is optimal. We also exhibit interpretations of our results in the language of tropical oriented matroids, which are analogous to classical results in oriented matroid theory.Nous introduisons la triangulation par chemins de Dyck du produit cartésien de deux simplexes Δn1×Δn1\Delta_{n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. Les simplexes maximaux de cette triangulation sont donnés par des chemins de Dyck, et cette construction se généralise de façon naturelle pour produire des triangulations Δr n1×Δn1\Delta_{r\ n-1}\times\Delta_{n-1} qui utilisent des chemins de Dyck rationnels. Notre étude de la triangulation par chemins de Dyck est motivée par des problèmes de prolongement de triangulations partielles de produits de deux simplexes. On montre que mk>nm\geq k>n alors toute triangulation de Δm1(k1)×Δn1\Delta_{m-1}^{(k-1)}\times\Delta_{n-1} se prolonge en une unique triangulation de Δm1×Δn1\Delta_{m-1}\times\Delta_{n-1}. De plus, avec une construction explicite, nous montrons que la borne k>nk>n est optimale. Nous présentons aussi des interprétations de nos résultats dans le langage des matroïdes orientés tropicaux, qui sont analogues aux résultats classiques de la théorie des matroïdes orientés